OOPS this pic was posted twice!! OH well It's a beauty!!!
Ever take the time to look for a 4 leaf clover? Ever find any?? Think it's a waste of time? Maybe you think they don't exist... or do they? I can't walk past a patch of clover. I fall to the ground and start searching for them. My posture has caused people to call emergency people to come to my aid because they think I have taken ill and collapsed to the ground and need medical help.Imagine my surprise when I looked up from my "hunting" only to find not only an EMT but the ambulance behind me ready to scoop me up for a terrifying ride to the ER! That happened at the race track when I was pitting for my team mate last year. My EMT friend was very reluctant to leave my side as he dearly thought I needed medical attention and that I really wasn't wasting my time looking for the elusive 4 leaf clover! Little does he know I DO have a problem.. I can't pass a clover patch!!!! I NEED to fall to the ground and begin my search. Ever since I was a little kid I could find 4 leaf clovers like most people find the 3 leaf kind. 5, 6 ,7 and even 9 leaf clovers have not escaped my eyes. My hunt last week resulted in 81 clovers with 4 or more leaves.... HA!!! my friends say "Ya right.... 81" OK to day I took my camera with me and I took a few pictures as I "Hunted". 30 was the number of 4 leaf clovers I found today.... a few 5 leaves and 1 with 6 leaves... Sigh...... I must be slipping..only 30!